Tuesday, December 3, 2013

An event that nearly made me cry: The Purple Parade

As many readers know, I feel deeply for the intellectually challenged because when I was young I had a cousin who did not get the help needed, and his parents also did not know how to handle such cases, and so they locked him up in a room where he 'shit' all over himself and he was constantly knocking his head against the wall and all. If his parents had the help needed like now, would things be different for him?

Having volunteered at APSN and COH for close to 4 years during my university days, I came to learn that using the 'correct' methods of teaching could enhance their livelihood ability. By using picture cards, they can get to order at stalls after getting them used to the pictures and coins and dollars. By building an environment where they can get comfortable in and doing repeated actions, and getting someone to guide them during the job, they can work and also earn a minimal living. 

For the less severe cases, if we expose them to other environments and have colleagues that can make them feel comfortable, they could even have a normal life.
Most importantly though, what they need is A.C.C.E.P.T.A.N.C.E from the people around them and of course, their love ones.

So on this special day, first time ever, THE PURPLE PARADE was held.
The Purple Parade is a movement that supports the inclusion and celebrates the abilities of persons with special needs.

Viewing first hand the support of the public (despite the VERY heavy rain) I nearly cried. 
No joke! Such heart felt joy.

What was great about this event was also that it was an appreciation to the social workers who spent their time and effort in making it a better world for the beneficiaries. Kudos! once again.

The dragon represented strength.

For the sea creatures, it represented inclusion.

And for the march to happen in this heavy rain, look what the public did. They used their umbrellas to form shelter from the marching area to the main holding area!

At this event, it also showcase the projects of the different groups!

A last shoutout to all parents with special needs.
Strive on :)

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