Monday, February 4, 2013

World Record Breaking SDN Masquerade Ball 2013

I've always supported SDN Events because theirs is so much fun and also Since I'm single as of now, shall take the change to enjoy such random events while I can. Primarily, decided to attend this event because of the Masquerade idea and the fact of being involved in a world record breaking speed dating achievement.

2nd February 2013. Made my way to Marina Bay Sands. In anticipation. 
Masquerade - Mask. Dance. Mystery. (That was what I expected)

Hence was a little disappointed when it was just the common style of dinner and speed dating.
But kudos to the organisers and the host. Agree it was lots of work.
The event probably attracted close to 500 people!

Singles were placed on tables of ten.- many ladies who were gorgeous and weirdly single. And many similar males. And on my table, I met a fellow Blogger Grace . I saw her and found her familiar and was trying to place my finger on how I knew her. So I asked her directly, if she saw me before, or if she blogs. And that's when I remembered. I voted for her during the Blog awards last year for her business interview entries which I love. Keep it going! (She's engaged. But for Grace, she came to be part of the world record breaking fun!)

Making this event ever more exciting, was that I realize that the MC on the stage was my senior from university. I have always love his hosting. And boy, did he not disappoint! Jonny Lee. He is now a freelance Emcee and Actor.Very Very entertaining as usual.

They started us off with some games.
1. Gather items using the letters "SPEED-DATING" eg. S=Spoon. That was quite fun! Encouraged more interaction on the table.
2. Finding your card partner where we were each given half a card. Then try to find flushes, pairs etc - wearing your mask. I was giddy but the time I completed. I gave up halfway. 

Then we started our 9-course meal. And for my table, we ate the dinner in silence. 
Most of the time, we could not hear each other because they had 'loud' band playing music on the stage.
Come on! If you wanted people to interact, maybe a soft background music would suffice?
Anyway the meal was good. Shall put some pictures towards the end of this entry.
In between the meal, they had some games. However, imagine that. No video was capturing the action. And from my end, I could only hear the voices but knew nothing as to what was happening on the stage. This need improvements. From the laughter in the front, i would suppose it was very entertaining.

Ladies and Guys were randomly pulled from tables then asked to do poses such as the one below.

they then announce the selected best dressed guys and ladies. And paired them into couples to do their cat walk and pose. This first couple was my favorite. The lady wore her mask throughout the whole event- so secretive. And she had such poise.

Next, the speed-dating activity began. Males would need to move from one table to the next and the sound of the gong. And the changeover at each table was in a clockwise direction. So for the night, each male talked to around 30 females in a span of close to 2 hours. 
It was tiring! haha. My first speed dating experience.

Ending off this blog post with my favorite picture that I took from the wedding album of the 2 comedians who got married recently in Korea. Such a nice angle and color!

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