Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Netflix Documentary review: Footprints- The path of your life

Awesome show for one to reflect on life

Here are the lines from the documentary /Movie

But learning to walk was not the most difficult challenge in my life
The greatest effort was in learning to direct my steps
What is the best path for me
Where have I come from
Where am I going

When faced with pain
there is a sort of temptation
which leads us to be self-centered
poor me look how pitiful I am 
its the kind of situation where its always about me
But its by enduring the pain, to rise above it, that makes the person be able to walk further

In a world where sacrificing in the name of love doesn't exist
will it be a better world?

You might fail a couple of times
But if you keep standing up
you will succeed one of the days

I lighten my load
and i realized I can live very well with what I still have 
There is joy in simplicity
you realize how attached we are to unimportant things in our life
which take up so much space in our lives and hearts
And we think we can't live without them

In life sometimes we have alot of things in life that we don't need
that can be distractions and also unnecessary

Sometimes life itself gets in our ways and makes us stop
even when we don't want it to
how am i suppose to react that I am not as strong 
as i want to or imagine myself to be
Now you get all the feelings to be angry and disappointed
But sometimes you have to have that sense of vulnerability
and lean on others for help 
what good is it to reach our goal
if we don't learn to walk alongside with those who are weaker
Live as brothers and sisters

Look where you are
at the peaks at the valleys
He has made the beauty for us 
Enjoy what God has provided for us

In the silence
then you will begin to notice the things in your heart

I wanted to stop because I was thinking of myself
But I started thinking 
what would be good for the group as a whole
Its a sense of knowing 
we are united as one, pushing and encouraging each other
Learn to work with each other
To help each other grow

The way we are to take is clearly marked 
but if we let ourselves be seduced by short cuts
The more lost we become
The stronger i thought they made me only brought on my true weakness
The more I ran The less I found peace 
because I was running in the wrong direction
I was disorientated. I was lost.
But everything changed. And I no longer walk alone anymore.

I believe in you
and you should believe in yourself
focus on your blessings
Know your worth
Make conscious decision to wake up
And make the day the best day ever

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